Sep 27

All you need is love, plus £1,350 a week: Rent the Beatles’ HQ in Baker Street

Can’t rent me love

Those famous rock n’ roll high fliers, the Beatles, once had their HQ in Baker Street, and it was where they played one of their last public performances – on the roof.

We may have left the crazy days of free love, rooftop gigs and proportionally lower rent back in the swinging sixties, but something that is in full swing today is the London rental market.

And now, a two bedroom flat at the famous address is available – if you have deep pockets.

You can rent the space, and relive the good times for £5,400 a month. But you’ll have to work eight days a week at that price.

But don’t worry, it’s not going to be full of flowery sixties tat. The flat has been thoroughly renovated, and incorporates a waterproof TV in the bathroom, and a velvet bedroom carpet.

The building became the Beatles’ base after their growing empire, and record company, Apple (no not that Apple), needed more space.

It also housed the Apple Boutique, which sold Beatles memorabilia. The building is now known as the Apple Apartments, W1, and is for let through the agent Kay & Co.