Nov 28

Revealed: London to get a new £88m bridge across the River Thames

Sick of hearing about the Garden Bridge? Here’s a new London bridge you could obsess over.

The capital is set to get a £90m across River Thames between Canary Wharf and Rotherhithe.

Designed by reFrorm Architects, the proposed bridge would have a central span of 184m with ramps rising from each bank. Plans include building two 5m-wide decks  for separate routes for pedestrians and cyclists.

Nik Randall of reForm Architects, said: “Our work has demonstrated that whilst other opening bridge types present problems for this location, it is possible to design a bridge that meets these challenges with an elegant, welcoming and unique structure.

“Our design [will respond to the significance of its setting], creating an internationally recognisable landmark. Its unique and elegant form and operation will become an attraction for visitors. It will enhance the views along and across the Thames, providing scale and interest in the way that the ships on the river itself do.”

London Mayor Boris Johnson tweeted he “loves the scheme”.

The architects are now looking for private investors for their project.